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REU Overview

Mississippi State University's (MSU) Department of Forestry is hosting a summer National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF REU) program from May 27 – August 1, 2025. The “Ecology and Management for Resilient and Adapted Forests” REU program will recruit students to participate in active research under the guidance and supervision of faculty mentors who are dedicated researchers and educators in the MSU Department of Forestry.

This REU program aims to: (i) welcome, include, and serve students to increase awareness of career opportunities in forestry, (ii) train talented undergraduate students to become independent, science-literate researchers by challenging them with real-world problems in forestry, and (iii) develop methods and products to manage forests for resilience and to promote and strengthen them as a climate change solution. In addition to conducting research, students will participate in orientation, social activities, and professional development seminars and workshops to develop their scientific writing, communication, and data management and analysis skills, along with their knowledge of philosophy and forestry and current topics in forest science. At the end of the program, REU participants will present their research projects at the summer 2025 Mississippi State University Undergraduate Research Symposium.