    [Record] => Array
            [@attributes] => Array
                    [userId] => 2352594
                    [username] => shb3

            [PCI] => Array
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [id] => 232687312896

                    [PREFIX] => Dr.
                    [FNAME] => Steven
                    [PFNAME] => Array

                    [MNAME] => H
                    [LNAME] => Bullard
                    [SUFFIX] => Array

                    [MAIDEN] => Array

                    [ALT_NAME] => Array

                    [ENDPOS] => Array

                    [EMAIL] =>
                    [DISCIPLINE] => Forestry
                    [STAFF_TITLE] => Associate Dean and Associate Director
                    [ROOMNUM] => Thompson Hall, Rm 115
                    [OPHONE1] => 662
                    [OPHONE2] => 325
                    [OPHONE3] => 1379
                    [DPHONE1] => Array

                    [DPHONE2] => Array

                    [DPHONE3] => Array

                    [FAX1] => Array

                    [FAX2] => Array

                    [FAX3] => Array

                    [WEBSITES] => Array
                            [@attributes] => Array
                                    [id] => 232687312897

                            [NAME] => Forest and Wildlife Research Center
                            [WEBSITE] =>

                    [UPLOAD_CV] => Array

                    [BIO] => Array

                    [TEACHING_INTERESTS] => Array

                    [RESEARCH_INTERESTS] => Array

                    [SYNERGIES] => Array

                    [KEYWORDS] => Array

                    [UPLOAD_PHOTO] => shb3/pci/bullard_steve-1.jpg

            [EDUCATION] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [@attributes] => Array
                                    [id] => 232687609856

                            [DEG] => Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
                            [SCHOOL] => Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
                            [CITY] => Array

                            [STATE] => Array

                            [COUNTRY] => Array

                            [MAJOR] => Forest Management
                            [SUPPAREA] => Economics
                            [DISSTITLE] => Array

                            [HIGHEST] => Yes
                            [DTM_COMP] => Array

                            [DTY_COMP] => 1983
                            [COMP_START] => 1983-01-01
                            [COMP_END] => 1983-12-31
                            [TERMINAL] => Array

                            [EDUCATION_ADVISOR] => Array
                                    [@attributes] => Array
                                            [id] => 232687609857

                                    [FNAME] => Array

                                    [MNAME] => Array

                                    [LNAME] => Array



                    [1] => Array
                            [@attributes] => Array
                                    [id] => 232687638528

                            [DEG] => Master of Science (M.S.)
                            [SCHOOL] => Mississippi State University
                            [CITY] => Array

                            [STATE] => Array

                            [COUNTRY] => Array

                            [MAJOR] => Forest Management
                            [SUPPAREA] => Economics
                            [DISSTITLE] => Array

                            [HIGHEST] => Array

                            [DTM_COMP] => Array

                            [DTY_COMP] => 1980
                            [COMP_START] => 1980-01-01
                            [COMP_END] => 1980-12-31
                            [TERMINAL] => Array

                            [EDUCATION_ADVISOR] => Array
                                    [@attributes] => Array
                                            [id] => 232687638529

                                    [FNAME] => Array

                                    [MNAME] => Array

                                    [LNAME] => Array



                    [2] => Array
                            [@attributes] => Array
                                    [id] => 232687663104

                            [DEG] => Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
                            [SCHOOL] => Mississippi State University
                            [CITY] => Array

                            [STATE] => Array

                            [COUNTRY] => Array

                            [MAJOR] => Forestry
                            [SUPPAREA] => Array

                            [DISSTITLE] => Array

                            [HIGHEST] => Array

                            [DTM_COMP] => Array

                            [DTY_COMP] => 1977
                            [COMP_START] => 1977-01-01
                            [COMP_END] => 1977-12-31
                            [TERMINAL] => Array

                            [EDUCATION_ADVISOR] => Array
                                    [@attributes] => Array
                                            [id] => 232687663105

                                    [FNAME] => Array

                                    [MNAME] => Array

                                    [LNAME] => Array




            [INTELLCONT] => Array
                    [@attributes] => Array
                            [id] => 268404897792

                    [CONTYPE] => Journal Article
                    [CONTYPEOTHER] => Array

                    [EXTRELATED] => No
                    [PRESENT] => No
                    [INTERNATIONAL] => Array

                    [STATUS] => Published
                    [TITLE] => Enhancing Diversity in Undergraduate Degree Programs in Forestry and Related Natural Resources: A Brief Review of Critical Issues and Promising Actions
                    [TITLE_SECONDARY] => Array

                    [INTELLCONT_AUTH] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [@attributes] => Array
                                            [id] => 268404897794

                                    [FACULTY_NAME] => 2352594
                                    [FNAME] => Steven
                                    [MNAME] => H
                                    [LNAME] => Bullard
                                    [INSTITUTION] => Missipssippi State University
                                    [ROLE] => Author
                                    [MSU_ID] => Array

                                    [DEP] => Forestry
                                    [STUDENT_LEVEL] => Array


                            [1] => Array
                                    [@attributes] => Array
                                            [id] => 268404897795

                                    [FACULTY_NAME] => Array

                                    [FNAME] => Tommy
                                    [MNAME] => G.
                                    [LNAME] => Walker
                                    [INSTITUTION] => Mississippi State University
                                    [ROLE] => Author
                                    [MSU_ID] => Array

                                    [DEP] => Array

                                    [STUDENT_LEVEL] => Array


                            [2] => Array
                                    [@attributes] => Array
                                            [id] => 268404897793

                                    [FACULTY_NAME] => 1600576
                                    [FNAME] => Leslie
                                    [MNAME] => M.
                                    [LNAME] => Burger
                                    [INSTITUTION] => Array

                                    [ROLE] => Author
                                    [MSU_ID] => 920053938
                                    [DEP] => Wildlife, Fisheries, & Aquaculture
                                    [STUDENT_LEVEL] => Array



                    [PUBLISHER] => Journal of Forestry
                    [PUBCTYST] => Array

                    [PUBCNTRY] => USA
                    [VOLUME] => 122
                    [ISSUE] => 2
                    [PAGENUM] => 107-122
                    [DOI] =>
                    [CRIS_NUM_CAT] => Array

                    [CRIS_NUM] => Array

                    [AREA] => Array

                    [WEB_ADDRESS] =>
                    [EDITORS] => Array

                    [ISBNISSN] => Array

                    [PMCID] => Array

                    [AUDIENCE] => International
                    [REFEREED] => Yes
                    [PUBLICAVAIL] => Yes
                    [ABSTRACT] => Although forestry and related natural resources (FRNR) undergraduate degree programs in the United States have become increasingly diverse in recent years, women and minorities remain underrepresented in multiple disciplines; this is particularly true in forestry undergraduate programs. We reviewed over one hundred reports and publications to help understand the critical issues that must be addressed to enhance diversity in FRNR undergraduate programs. Based on that review, here we summarize eight critical issues in recruiting and retaining a more diverse FRNR undergraduate student body, and we also present promising actions to address the issues. Our goal is to more widely communicate validated ideas and practices, thereby prompting further discussion and effective actions to make more tangible gains in enhancing the diversity of FRNR undergraduate degree programs in the United States in the future.
                    [KEYWORDS] => Array

                    [FULL_TEXT] => Array

                    [DTM_EXPSUB] => Array

                    [DTD_EXPSUB] => Array

                    [DTY_EXPSUB] => Array

                    [EXPSUB_START] => Array

                    [EXPSUB_END] => Array

                    [DTM_SUB] => June
                    [DTD_SUB] => 21
                    [DTY_SUB] => 2023
                    [SUB_START] => 2023-06-21
                    [SUB_END] => 2023-06-21
                    [DTM_ACC] => July
                    [DTD_ACC] => Array

                    [DTY_ACC] => 2023
                    [ACC_START] => 2023-07-01
                    [ACC_END] => 2023-07-31
                    [DTM_PUB] => March
                    [DTD_PUB] => Array

                    [DTY_PUB] => 2024
                    [PUB_START] => 2024-03-01
                    [PUB_END] => 2024-03-31
                    [COMMUNITY_ENGAGEMENT] => No
                    [MSU_MISSION] => Yes
                    [SCHTEACH_REF] => Array

                    [EXPLANATION] => Array

                    [USER_REFERENCE_CREATOR] => No


Dr. Steven Bullard | Forestry | College of Forest Resources | Mississippi State University

Dr. Steven H Bullard

Dr. Steven H Bullard


  • Associate Dean and Associate Director

Contact Information
Office: 662-325-1379
Thompson Hall, Rm 115



  • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Forest Management
  • Mississippi State University, Master of Science (M.S.), Forest Management
  • Mississippi State University, Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Forestry



Extension Publications